Our Process
Separation and Recovery Systems provides specialty turn-key remedial solutions for managing the most difficult organic waste streams (TPHC). SRS utilizes its state-of-the-art three phase separation and thermal desorption systems to achieve the necessary on-site treatment objectives. The SAREX process, when combined with the centrifuge, dryer, heat, and chemical is known and has been successfully used for treatment and recovery of sludge for over 40 years.
The SAREX System consists of a centrifuge (MX1500), a thermal desorption system (MX2000), and associated equipment to process a variety of oily waste streams.
The SAREX process separates the waste streams into 3 basic components; recovered oil, recyclable water, and landfill disposal solids. The system is designed to indirectly remove and recover the volatile and semi-volatile petroleum organic compounds found in petroleum waste streams thereby distinguishing it from incineration. The recovered oil product is suitable for recycling as a fuel oil refinery replacement for crude and other beneficial products. The recovered water is suitable for water treatment and recycling. The residual solid generated from the process meets Land Disposal Restriction (LDR) standards and is suitable for a Class D or Class C Landfill and HSWA de-listing exemptions.